Wednesday, February 15, 2012

We're Expecting...

Yep, it's true, we're expecting again!
  • Expecting God to do great things in our family.
  • Expecting Him to provide and remind us that He funds what He favors.
  • Expecting to be awed by His delight in placing the lonely in families.
  • Expecting Him to show Himself to us in new ways and challenge us to trust His timing.
  • Expecting Him not to leave us unchanged after this journey we've begun.

We have recently begun the process of adopting a little boy from China.

Honestly, I've typed, deleted & re-typed all of our motives and line of reasoning (just as an explanation for those of you who may think we've lost our minds!). We have been asked by those we are working with..."with a house full of 5 children already, WHY would you want to do this?" In our most vulnerable moments of this already exhausting journey, we've asked the same question ourselves! There are many motivations, many reasons, many thoughts behind this decision and if you'd ever like to stop over for coffee, we'd be happy to explain. :)

Please pray for our precious little guy somewhere on the other side of the world.
Please pray that we can be united with him as soon as possible.


  1. Paula, this is so exciting! I'm sure it won't be easy, but most things that are worthwhile aren't. I'll be sure to pray for you and your family--including the little guy you haven't met yet. Adoption is such a great picture of how God shows His love for us.

    1. It is a wonderful picture! We would certainly appreciate your prayers. Still missing you on Tuesday mornings!!

  2. Already praying and will continue to do so. Thanks for posting this. I love it!

  3. I would never question the motives of why you are adopting! It's a wonderful decision, and I am sure God is smiling down on ya'll! I'll be praying! I would love to stop over for coffee and hear all the plans ;) I can't wait to hear how process goes, and someday to meet the little guy :)

    1. Well, you know you're welcome any time. We've even got a room for you. ;)

  4. I love how you anounced your adoption! Would you mind if I slightly edit the photo and use it to announce our adoption in China?
